Instagram has confirmed that it is working on a new feature called “Exclusive Stories”. As of June 21, images of the new option have been circulating on social media after developer Alessandro Paluzzi shared on Twitter that he had found references to the new option in Instagram’s database.
On Wednesday, the company told TechCrunch that screenshots show an internal prototype being worked on behind the scenes. However, Instagram did not reveal any other details about the project, noting that they had nothing more to share.
Instagram Exclusive Stories
What is known so far based on the information circulating on the network is that the new option is a kind of copy of Twitter’s “Super Follow” subscription. When regular users come across an “exclusive story,” Instagram will tell them that “only overpaid members” can watch the content.
Also, the company plans to prevent people from trying to take screenshots of what they see. At the same time, it will encourage creators to preserve their “exclusive stories” in accents, so that new members have something to look at when they subscribe.
Since information about the new option has not been officially published but has leaked online, there is a possibility that Instagram will never publish the feature that Paluzzi found.
Although the pictures clearly show that the company is thinking about how it can entice creators to stay on the platform, even if it means adjusting the options of one of their “rivals”.